Best Unani Medicine For Diuretic

A Medicine For Diuretic is a medicine used to reduce fluid retention in the body. These medications are available in many different forms. Some are commonly known as water tablets. They work by increasing the amount of water that the body excretes. Some types of diuretics include loop diuretics, potassium-sparing diuretics, and osmotic diuretics. Potassium-SparingContinue reading Best Unani Medicine For Diuretic

Best Unani Medicine For Diuretic

Taking a medicine called a diuretic (also known as water pills) helps your kidneys produce more urine. It also helps you avoid dehydration, which can cause high blood pressure. It can also help you if you are suffering from heart failure. By flushing out excess salt and water, diuretics can help lower your blood pressureContinue reading Best Unani Medicine For Diuretic

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